Innovation as sustainable source
by Teresa Bellanova, Deputy Minister of Italian Ministry for Industry and Economic Development
DOI 10.12910/EAI2017-024
Innovation, energy efficiency, sustainable sources: these are the fundamental challenges for our Country in the years to come
Innovation, energy efficiency, sustainable sources: I am deeply convinced that these are the fundamental challenges for our Country in the years to come. Challenges that undoubtedly have to do with the country's economic and productive growth, yet they are above all cultural. The stakes are enormous: a shift in the employment paradigm to address the challenge of climate change. An unprecedented challenge.
In recent years, our Country has recorded significant growth in the renewable energy sector. At the end of 2015, the share of gross final consumption stood at 17.5% versus 13% in 2010, and this percentage is expected to grow. Italy has met the 2020 targets in advance, so that the new national energy strategy ha set a new target share of 27% threshold by 2030. Decarbonisation itself, which still remains one of the priorities of energy policies, is considered as an achievable target by 2030. This means a considerable effort, both in terms of policies to be put in place and of economic investment, which should be made and encouraged if we believe – and personally I do – that this is the best way, I would say the only practicable way, to get an energy efficient system, accessible to all – citizens, families, businesses – at sustainable cost. …