STEM® (Solar Thermo Electric Magaldi): The first industrial module in operation in Sicily
by Letizia Magaldi, Magaldi Group
DOI 10.12910/EAI2017-033
On June 30, 2016, the first STEM® (Solar Thermo Electric Magaldi) industrial model plant started operations in San Filippo del Mela (Sicily). This Concentrating Solar Power system with Thermal Energy Storage represents a “disruptive” technology because it’s able to collect solar energy – through a solar field made of heliostats – and convert it into thermal energy to be stored and extracted when desired. Installed in the Integrated Energy Pole of the A2A Group – the largest Italian multi-utility in the energy sector – this plant is the first one worldwide using sand as Thermal Energy Storage
On June 30, 2016, the first STEM® (Solar Thermo Electric Magaldi) market size, first of a kind, model plant was in operation in San Filippo del Mela (Sicily).
Installed in the Integrated Energy Pole of the A2A Group – the largest Italian multi-utility in the energy sector – this disruptive CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) technology is one of a kind worldwide using fluidized bed sand as Thermal Energy Storage. Nowadays various tests are being performed with very positive results.
STEM® technology has been developed and patented by Magaldi Group in cooperation with Prof. Piero Salatino of Federico II University of Naples and a prestigious institute of the National Research Council headed by Riccardo Chirone. …