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Energy-Related Innovative Concepts, Methods and Techniques for Sustainable Protection and Conservation of Historic Buildings in Urban Areas

Stella Styliani Fanou, Gaetano Fasano, Nicola Labia, Massimo Poggi - ENEA, Unità Tecnica Efficienza Energetica; Timo Kauppinen - VTT, Technical Research Center of Finland; Chiara Di Sarcina - Comune di Vittorio Veneto; Paola Bartoccini, Alessandro Colucci, Francesco Di Biagio, Riccardo Maso, Angelo Tatì - ENEA, Unità Tecnica Tecnologie dei Materiali; Emanuela Martini -Student candidate for thesis ENEA Code 2004 P4D6

The present paper is dedicated to a new integrated approach for the conservation of historic buildings and the application of sustainable technologies for Diagnostics, in order to increase the buildings’ lifetime  and the maintenance of their performance characteristics. The research activities have incorporated monitoring, NDT techniques and intervention works aimed at improving the energy efficiency of historical buildings
