In Situ Traffic Vibration Monitoring and Non-Destructive Analyses of the Egyptian Obelisk of San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome
Massimiliano Baldini, Stefano Bonifazi, Alessandro Colucci, Gerardo De Canio, Francesco Di Biagio, Marialuisa Mongelli, Angelo Tatì - ENEA, Unità Tecnica Tecnologie dei Materiali; Paola Giaquinto - ENEA, Unità Centrale Relazioni
The Egyptian Obelisk of Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano in Rome, Italy, was previously located at the Circo Maximo by emperor Costanzo the IInd; it was positioned at the current location in the XVI century by the architect Domenico Fontana. The obelisk stands on a 10m tall basement and, considering also the crux on the top, the total height of the monument is 45 meters. An extensive campaign of six months ambient vibration monitoring, sonic tomography and radar investigation has been carried out by ENEA for the structural evaluation of the obelisk.