Seismic Preservation of the Archeological Site of Pompeii. Preliminary analyses
Immacolata Bergamasco, Vincenzo Papaccio - Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei; Bruno Carpani - ENEA, Unità Tecnica Ingegneria Sismica; Paolo Clemente, Fernando Saitta - ENEA, Unità Tecnica Caratterizzazione, Prevenzione e Risanamento Ambientale
The seismic preservation of archaeological sites should certainly be targeted at the conservation of the historical and artistic values but cannot prevent these sites from being visited by a high number of tourists daily. A complete study should include the analysis of the seismic hazard in the area and of the seismic local response at each site, in addition to the analysis of the health status and the seismic vulnerability of structures. The site of Pompeii, recently interested by collapses, is probably the most interesting case in the world. The Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni archeologici di Napoli e Pompei, in collaboration with ENEA, is organizing a study for the evaluation of the health status and the seismic vulnerability of some of the most diffused structural typologies in the archaeological site. The preliminary analysis pointed out the need for a detailed vulnerability analysis based on a comprehensive experimental investigation on both structure and site