Speciale Forests: a millenary heritage that guarantees us life
The EAI Special to acknowledge the conclusion of the International Year of Forests, 2011
In questo numero: Lo Speciale, di Laura Maria Padovani; Forests and humans throughout history; An unprecedented opportunity for forests; Forests and climate change. A venomous or amorous embrace?;The role of forests in the international negotiation process of UNFCCC; A European forest biodiversity status indicator; Future scenarios of European forests; The importance of EU forests for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services; Monitoring the Italian forests; Fighting against deforestation and forest degradation: public and private initiatives; Present opportunities for sustainable and multifunctional forest management for the development of rural areas; Tropical deforestation: current trends and potential sustainable policies; REDD and Clean Technologies Innovations, is there a Trade-off
Francesco Mauro
Benjamin Singer
Lorenzo Ciccarese
Daniele Pernigotti
Bruno Petriccione
Gert-Jan Nabuurs
Clunie Keenleyside
Enrico Pompei, Silvia Felazzo and Cristina Modesti